Friday, February 27, 2009

Where are y"all?

Looking forward to hearing from some of you. Here are some pictures from Friday night after Ma's celebration. Karen

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Toasting in the New Year

Kelley and I went with Mom and Dad to see Ma Dec. 30. On New Years Eve, we brought her some sparkling juice and we toasted in 2009. Thought you might like to see a picture of us celebrating. She sure liked a party! Karen

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

I agree with James. Finish the painting, Janet. You'll love it. Karen

Monday, February 16, 2009

Janet and I are blogging at the same time...too cool. Karen that book was..I dared to call Him Father. A muslim woman who found God. Paula and Ma and Velva and Bonita and Millie etc had already read it.
I'm reminded of Ma when I paint, quilt or sew. Gail and I are walking the road together on this blog. I have an unfinished painting of hers sitting next to her brushes. I walk by it every day. I haven't decided whether to leave it unfinished or make it a joint effort.

Here's a picture of Ma with her reading glasses on. Bonita took this picture on the last day that I saw her in January. I love her smile in this one. You can double click on the center of the picture and it will go to full screen size.
It's wonderful Ma could read so well. What a blessing. I think the book "The Shack" was Bonita's. It wasn't mine, so whoever has it and passes it around can get it back to Bonita eventually.

I think of Ma when I knit. I am not nearly as prolific yet as Ma was with her knitting, but I guess I'm a bona fide grandma now because I'm knitting for the grandkids and "whoever else" it might be for. Knitting reminds me of Ma, so that's a neat connection.

What reminds you of Ma? Let's hear from y'all.



Truly Blessed

I've been thinking a lot about how blessed we are to have such a "normal" family. I've had friends comment about their families and that they aren't normal enough to enjoy being together for any length of time. We are truly blessed to not have rifts between siblings or tension among ourselves. I know that Ma contributed to this because she was a peacemaker and discouraged conflict. Besides just getting along and liking each other, we can also fellowship on a spiritual level and that is truly unusual and a blessing beyond compare. Thank God for a beautiful heritage and that it continues to trickle down. I pray that my kids will someday "catch" it, too.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Bonita, Sounds like good advice to me! Hope you are a little more rested. Thanks for all the time you spent in La Junta. I know you wanted to be there, but I feel like you were there for all of us who couldn't be as well. Love, Karen
RE: Ma's reading...I was shocked when I learned how fast Mom read and absorbed! (being the challenged reader that I am) When she started reading through the New Testament she commented, "what is a 95 year old going to do with all this knowledge at this late date?" Then in Sept when she got the new TV, she became so intent on the campaign that she didn't read as many books but some. She could read the tape at bottom of the TV faster than I could hear what they were saying.

When Mom first was in NCC and didn't expect to live, she didn't think she would see another election. I asked one day, How will I know who to vote for if you're not here to tell me? She thought just a few seconds and then answered...I can tell you now... vote REPUBLICAN!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

I loved the pictures, just being able to get them like this stuns me. I have no idea what I'm doing but I sure love watching what you guys decide to put on here. Who knows I might catch up one of these day's soon. Paula, I read that book that you started around...very thought provoking...I'll pass it on. I'm still amazed at the stuff Ma read..the amount and the content! The Shack?? As you've probably guessed by now I'm just gonna use this to check in whenever I want.

Love all yall!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

This is so much fun! I'm going to love hearing about and from each of you! Kayci, thanks for the directions. I love that you are involved, too. I hope everyone has rested up since getting home. Can't wait to hear from you again. Love, karen

Banner Cemetery & Cousins picture

Blog Tutorial

Hello, this is Kayci Ross. I am Karen Rogers' daughter and proud member of the Burr family. I am no pro at blogging, but I thought I might help you figure out how to post a picture for those of you that don't know. Here are the steps. It looks like a lot, but it really does go fast.

1. Click on the "posting" tab at the top of the page - directly under The Burr Connection.

2. Click on "Create"

3. Type in a title and then begin typing in the box provided.

4. Make sure that your picture/s are downloaded from your camera to your computer. ie: My pictures, My documents.

5. To post a picture just click on the picture icon located above where you are typing and below the title line. The picture icon looks like a mountain scene in a tiny box. It's squeezed between the ABC check mark and what looks like a movie film strip.

6. Click on the picture icon and a window will pop up asking if you'd like to add an image.

7. click on the "browse" button and make sure the heading says "my pictures" or "my documents" - where ever your picture is saved.

8. type in the file name or just click on the picture in your list of items.

9. If you'd like to add more images just click on the underlined phrase "add another image" and repeat steps 7-8.

10. Don't forget to choose the layout, image size and check the box for terms of service.

11. Click on "upload image" button.

12. Your image/s will take a little bit to upload to the site.

13. Double check your post by using the preview option in the upper right hand corner.

14. Click on "hide preview" to make corrections.

15. When you're happy with what you have and you've use the spell check button (the ABC with the check mark under it) click on "Publish Post" at the bottom.

You've done it! Congratulations! Please add another post giving more directions if these don't suffice. My family and I have a blog ourselves at


Kayci, Josh, Truitt (and baby on the way)

Monday, February 9, 2009

I'm glad Patriece is feeling well after the weekend. Sonja will probably be helpful with posting pictures.

Please pass the blog information on to any other relatives not listed. These were the only emails I have in my address book.

Thanks for this connection blog. Karen asked for my email address.
I have two. Here they are for everyone to use. How do you put pictures on this blog? Anybody know how?

Love you all. So great to be with you. I heard that Patriece did real well with all the traveling and getting back for a wedding Sat. night, etc. It was a full weekend for her, but she did great. Thanks for all your prayers!


We are connected.

I hope everyone takes the opportunity to reconnect our lives. Ma would love knowing we stayed in touch.

I received a plant this morning from concerned friends. Resting in the center was a red bird. How precious a reminder of Ma's love for watching birds and painting them.

Please pass the blog on to your parents.