Thursday, April 30, 2009

Some news from Paula:

Hope you are all staying well during this flu epidemic.

1) I have a house finch nesting (with little eggs) on my front door. I had a basket with silk flowers hanging on the door, and the little finch just made herself at home. We'll see if the eggs hatch. Dave has been building a new front porch railing on the front of the house, so the mommy bird doesn't like to come around when he's out front.

2) I got to see and hear a holocaust survivor last night at a local church here. It was very interesting. His name is David Faber. He has written a book that is now required reading in some public middle & high schools. He's about 81 or 82. There were 400-500 people there, and you should have heard how quiet that crowd was during much of his talk. He just stood up in front of his picture exhibit and talked----had no films or powerpoint electronic stuff like people are so used to now. He raised up his sleeve to show his tatoo numbers on his arm which were excruciatingly painfully inscribed by a nail dipped in ink. After the liberation (18 yrs. old and about 70 lbs.), he was able to learn baking skills in Switzerland and Paris, France. He eventually ended up as a chef for the House of Commons in London, and one day he heard a loud voice behind him. It was Winston Churchill. Mr. Churchill asked him if he ever burned anything (souffles, etc.). Anyway, Mr. Churchill liked his baking I guess and wanted him to stay. It was quite interesting, and I can now say I have actually seen a live survivor and his tatoo. As you know, for many years, I've been fascinated by the holocaust. May we never forget!

3) Our little second grandson, Eli, will have tubes put in his ears on May 12. He has some fluid behind the ear drums. I hope it makes a better boy out of him!!! Whew! Ha! He's kind of like already in the terrible twos, and he's only 1 !

Gail: Congratulations on all the graduations (Courtney), new grandchild, a wedding, everything! Sounds like a busy summer for you!

Karen: Is your son-in-law's keynote speech at Pepperdine on the web somewhere???? I'd like to hear him speak.

Love to you all----Paula
We've been to Ohio & back for a funeral this past week. Kevin's first wife's (who died of cancer) father died. We have stayed very close to the family and they have been amazingly gracious to accept me into the family. It was another celebration of a life well lived.
The other day I finally cleaned out the drawer of the china cabinet that came from Ma's house. It was fun to find all the odds & ends of strings, yarn, wrapping paper, batteries, etc. There was a pyrex bowl full of melted candle wax that she must have thought she would make another candle out of some day. I decided to get rid of the wax so I could save the bowl and use it. The funniest thing I found was a partially used roll of masking tape. She was the masking tape queen! I remember anything she sent home with us would be wrapped up and covered in masking tape. Two things she never ran out of--masking tape and Absorbine Jr.! Memories :)

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

I haven't heard any news on Millie..I do know that Bonita is on a retreat so won't be answering right away. All kinds of new graduated school teacher (Courtney) May 16th, new daughter Aug. 15th (My baby Joe is getting married) and New baby boy coming to Katy, Andy, Calvin, and Collin in Sept. Wow...see what you get when you have 5 kids?
How is Patrice?
Sure do miss calling Ma.


Is there any new word on Millie?

Friday, April 17, 2009

Where is everyone?

Only 30 more days of school! Things are getting crazier by the day around here. The end of school os SO busy--especially for excited 6 year olds! We have been camping 3 times since Feb. 19. We traded campers the end of Feb. and we've used it twice. We went to Kara's wedding in Canyon. It was beautiful, and Deb did a wonderful job planning from a distance. Kara was a beautiful bride, and Lani and Renee were good bridemaids. Grandma and Grandpa Burr had a great time, too. It was so good to see everyone again. Our kids are doing well. Kayci is having a baby boy in late August. This will make 7 grandkids- 4 boys and 3 girls. We just love keeping up with them all. Hope to hear from you all soon. I'll post some pictures when I have more time. Love, Karen