Friday, July 17, 2009

Family Fun

This is a picture of our family at Marshal Pass on July 4th. Bonita sent it to me so I decided to put it on the blog. We sure had a wonderful time together. Karen

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Home Again

We just got home after spending 10 days in Colorado. We spent a few days with Richard and Janet while Kelley and Richard had some "projects" to do. They made a wok out of a plow disc for us to use with our camp stove. They also fixed our hitch for the back of our camper so we could carry our generator with us to camp. We camped at Marshall Pass for 5 days. Rod and Bonita joined us for4 days. We had a wonderful time exploring the mountains on 4 wheelers, visiting, playing games and eating the best food anywhere. Bonita has pictures of our family group up there. (Rod, Bonita, Richard, Janet, Deb, Jake, Laney, Brandon, Tripp, Kelley and I) Maybe she'll post them soon. We spent another 3 days in Rocky Ford while Kelley and Richard made a top for the wok, and Kelley used his new sprayer to paint Richard's feeders and other farm equipment. It looks almost new in John Deere Green. Janet and I got a lot of visiting done, and we all played Mexican Train almost every night. Janet, Kelley and I played until late most nights. This trip is the highlight of our summer vacations. We really appreciate Richard and Janet introducing us to the camping experience. We always have such a wonderful time. It's good to be home again. We have Keith's family coming Saturday, and they will be here 2 weeks. We will take them camping in New Mexico for a few days, too. Hope you all are having a relaxing and funfilled summer, too. Love, Karen